We went back.and ayah was doing fine.accept for one thing
I have to send my brothers to every pelusuk dunia,and i felt like-hellyeah,i will never get married,and even if i do i still not GONNA send my kids to Nursery-kojalankakisendiri,mama nak tidur dirumah.Just kidding..
btw-here's the thing.we arrived home a lil bit late,so my parents have just decided to let Mr Mustaqim to take care of my Myvi for one day,and the next morning,he will send back to me,as long as he janji to belanja me tgk wayang (well,that part saya main-main)
So,the next morning,He fetches us at Bertam Indah,obviously,it's quite a long journey.From Kepala Batas Selatan,to Utara ...Kesian.since his parents got plenty chores to be done,so this so called mithali son just asked me to send him back to the nearest bus station (balik naik bus wooo)...
However,afif and his friend pulak got things to be settled at so-called-wedding cerem at Kelab Cinta Sayang (untung jugak hang jadi photographer.masuk duit jugak.dari menyusah makpak )..Regards of this unplanned things,kami bertiga pun hantaq la si afif dan si anu ke wedding
*well,they called anybody ja as Anu kat Sabah,dont be suprised.im used to it*

(cramp macam tin sardin dalam my little myvi)
Disebabkan boring.mus.aqil.and me decided to get a way kononnya at one and only mall nearby,
which is :Village Mall...

(i called this as NO DIRECTION, Instead of one direction)
since the mall is so boring,takdak apa nak dicari except for Herbalife store,and we hated it.3 of us nak makan okay.bukan diet.so we decided untuk tgk movie bagi mengisi kekangan masa :)
so we strolled along the mall,and decided to watch MAIL LAMBONG.

(seriously MAIL LAMBONG???)
No offense but,yala...i am not a big fan of Zizan and wasting 30 myr for him was kinda a big thing.tapi tengok ja la.it's kinda funny anyway :D


*They talked a lottttt about black shot and the other stuff that i didnt know.shoot.This game,that ID,those tactics...and i was like...ok fine...aqil..you steal my limelight man..and as i was so bored.tak dilayan,i snapped some random pictures of their IMMATURE stupid conversation..haha

anyway,we had fun together.Thanks for the day :D
Ayah is in recovery process and he's doing fine.
As for me,i am now becoming his so-called-permanent Driver
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